Los Angeles City Council Approves Controversial Housing Development in WestwoodLos Angeles City Council Approves Controversial Housing Development in Westwood The Los Angeles City Council has approved a controversial housing development in the affluent Westwood neighborhood, despite opposition from residents and environmental groups. The project, known as the “Westwood Gateway,” includes 1,500 new residential units, including apartments, townhouses, and condominiums. The development will also feature commercial spaces, public parks, and a transportation hub. Supporters of the development argue that it will provide much-needed housing in a city facing a severe housing shortage. They also say the project will boost the local economy and improve transportation options in the area. However, opponents of the project say it will increase traffic congestion, air pollution, and noise in the neighborhood. They also worry that the development will strain the local infrastructure and lead to a decline in property values. The project has been particularly controversial due to its proposed location on the site of the former VA Hospital, which was closed in 2015. The hospital grounds are home to a stand of old-growth eucalyptus trees that environmental groups say are a valuable habitat for birds and other wildlife. The City Council approved the development with a 13-0 vote, with one council member abstaining. The project now requires final approval from the California Coastal Commission before construction can begin. The controversy over the Westwood Gateway development highlights the challenges facing Los Angeles as it grapples with the need for new housing while also protecting its existing neighborhoods and environment.