Spokane: Mystery of Missing Manhole Cover Baffles ResidentsSpokane: Mystery of Missing Manhole Cover Baffles Residents In the quaint city of Spokane, an enigmatic disappearance has left residents bewildered. A manhole cover, weighing hundreds of pounds, has vanished without a trace, plunging a residential street into an inexplicable mystery. On a seemingly ordinary Tuesday morning, residents awoke to find a gaping hole in the middle of Ash Street. The heavy cast iron cover, a fixture of the neighborhood for as long as anyone could remember, had vanished. “It’s like it just evaporated,” exclaimed resident Emily Davis. “One day it was there, and the next, it was gone. It’s like it was taken by aliens.” Authorities were immediately summoned to the scene. City engineers and police officers scoured the area, but no sign of the cover could be found. Metal detectors proved fruitless, and a thorough search of nearby homes and businesses yielded no results. The disappearance has sparked a mix of amusement and apprehension among residents. Some see it as a harmless prank, while others worry about the potential safety hazard it poses. “It’s definitely a mystery,” said Police Officer John Smith. “We’re treating it as a stolen property case, but there are no suspects or leads at this time.” The city has temporarily filled the hole with a steel plate, but residents are still concerned about the long-term implications. The missing cover could lead to water or gas leaks, or pose a tripping hazard for pedestrians. “It’s a nuisance,” admitted resident Bob Johnson. “We’re worried about it becoming a bigger problem down the road.” As the investigation continues, the mystery of the missing manhole cover continues to perplex Spokane residents. Was it a prank, a crime, or something else entirely? The answer remains elusive, making this one of the most intriguing unsolved mysteries in the city’s recent history.