In the whimsical world of Columbus, Ohio, an extraordinary event unfolded that left residents and tourists alike quacking in disbelief.In the whimsical world of Columbus, Ohio, an extraordinary event unfolded that left residents and tourists alike quacking in disbelief. On a sunny July afternoon, a giant rubber duck, standing a towering 15 feet tall and weighing in at an impressive 500 pounds, was reported missing from the Scioto Mile Park. As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the vibrant downtown area, a call came in to the Columbus Division of Police. Witnesses reported seeing a man, later identified as 45-year-old Rodney “Duck” Williams, stealthily approaching the beloved aquatic fowl. With a mischievous gleam in his eye, Williams allegedly harnessed the duck’s massive form and hauled it away into the darkness. As the city’s finest launched a quack-tastic investigation, Williams’ audacious act of ducknapping became the talk of the town. Social media erupted in a flurry of outrage and amusement, with hashtags like #FreeTheDuck and #QuackGate trending like wildfire. Undeterred, the police followed a trail of breadcrumbs—or rather, yellow feathers—that led them to Williams’ apartment on the city’s east side. Upon entering the premises, they discovered the colossal rubber duck hiding in the living room, seemingly unaware of the commotion it had caused. With great fanfare, the stolen duck was returned to its rightful place at the Scioto Mile Park, where it was greeted with cheers and applause from an eager crowd. Williams, who claimed he had only wanted to “borrow” the duck for a day, was arrested and charged with theft. As news of the rubber duck heist spread far and wide, it became a symbol of the city’s quirky spirit and playful embrace of the unexpected. The giantfowl’s return served as a reminder that even in the most unlikely of places, a dash of whimsy can brighten the day and leave an enduring mark on the hearts of all who witness it.