Fresno Batters Surge in Traffic IncidentsFresno Batters Surge in Traffic Incidents Fresno’s vibrant culinary scene has taken a troubling turn, as an alarming increase in traffic incidents involving vehicles operated by individuals under the influence of drugs and alcohol has been reported. According to data from the Fresno Police Department, the number of traffic collisions involving intoxicated drivers has jumped by 25% in the past year. Of particular concern is the involvement of those behind the wheel of food trucks and delivery vehicles. “We’re seeing a disturbing trend where individuals are consuming excessive amounts of alcohol and then operating food trucks or delivery vehicles,” said Officer Sara Martinez of the Fresno Police Department. “These incidents are not only reckless but also endanger the lives of others on the road.” The surge in incidents has been attributed to a combination of factors, including the proliferation of food truck events and the rise of delivery services. The convenience and accessibility of food and beverage products have led to increased consumption, particularly during late-night hours. “Food trucks and delivery drivers have become essential services in our city,” said Mayor Lee Brand. “However, we must balance this convenience with the safety of our residents. We need to take immediate action to address this dangerous problem.” In response to the crisis, the Fresno City Council has passed an ordinance imposing stricter penalties for driving under the influence while operating a commercial vehicle. Additionally, the city has partnered with local food truck associations to implement educational campaigns and promote responsible driving practices. Law enforcement agencies are also increasing patrols in areas where food trucks and delivery vehicles are concentrated. Officers are conducting random breathalyzers and drug tests to deter intoxicated drivers. “We will not tolerate reckless behavior that puts the lives of our citizens at risk,” said Police Chief Jerry Dyer. “We are determined to crack down on this problem and ensure that the streets of Fresno are safe for everyone.” Residents are urged to report suspected intoxicated drivers to the Fresno Police Department by calling 911. They can also provide anonymous tips through the department’s online reporting system. The community is encouraged to work together to prevent further tragedies and ensure a safe and vibrant culinary scene for Fresno.