Wizard of Oz Museum Embarks on a Journey to a New Home After enchanting visitors in Brevard County for two decades, the beloved Wizard of Oz Museum is set to relocate to another Central Florida county. The move, slated for early 2023, marks a bittersweet chapter in the museum’s legacy. Over the years, the museum has captivated countless fans with its vast collection of Oz-inspired memorabilia. Visitors have marveled at costumes worn by Judy Garland and Margaret Hamilton, strolled through recreations of iconic scenes, and immersed themselves in the magical world of Oz. The decision to relocate was not made lightly. According to museum officials, rising operational costs and the need for a larger space led to the move. The new location, yet to be announced, will provide the museum with the resources to expand its exhibits and continue offering an unforgettable experience to its guests. “While we are saddened to leave Brevard County, we believe this move is essential for the future of the museum,” said museum director Robert Klopfenstein. “We are excited for the opportunity to share the magic of Oz with an even broader audience.” The relocation has drawn mixed reactions from the community. Some residents are disappointed to see the museum leave Brevard County, while others are eager to see it thrive in its new home. “The Wizard of Oz Museum has been such a treasure for our county,” said Brevard County Commissioner Kristine Isnardi. “We wish them well in their new endeavor but will miss their presence here.” The museum’s staff is hard at work preparing for the move and ensuring a smooth transition. They are confident that the museum’s new location will become a magical destination for Oz enthusiasts and families alike. “We have a lot of exciting plans for the future,” said Klopfenstein. “We can’t wait to unveil our new home and continue to share the wonder of Oz with the world.” As the Wizard of Oz Museum embarks on this new chapter, it leaves behind a legacy of laughter, imagination, and enduring love for the timeless classic film. Its journey to a new home is sure to bring new adventures and create lasting memories for generations to come.The Wizard of Oz Museum: Relocating to KissimmeeThe Wizard of Oz Museum: Relocating to Kissimmee The Wizard of Oz Museum, currently situated in Cape Canaveral, will soon be relocating to a new location in Kissimmee. Museum owner Fred Trust made this announcement due to the impending demolition of the building that currently houses the museum. The new museum in Kissimmee will be significantly larger than the current one, offering double the space and allowing for more extensive displays, interactive activities for children, and movie-viewing rooms. Additionally, the new location will feature a Wizard of Oz-themed miniature golf course. Current Exhibits While the museum boasts a collection of original movie props, its exhibits delve into the entire Wizard of Oz franchise. Notable highlights include: * The first printed copy of “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” (1900), signed by Frank Baum * Display cases filled with collectibles, including board games, figurines, masks, posters, and vintage soaps shaped like movie characters * Life-sized figures of the Wicked Witch of the West and flying monkeys * A 2,000-square-foot immersive experience inspired by Vincent van Gogh that transports visitors into the world of “The Wizard of Oz” If You Go The Wizard of Oz Museum Current Location: 7099 N. Atlantic Ave., Cape Canaveral Hours: 9 am to 5 pm, seven days a week Tickets: $31.99 for adults, $15.99 for kids, $29.95 for seniors and military Contact: 888-949-6369, wizardofozflorida.com The museum will remain open in Cape Canaveral for at least 18 months while construction on the new location progresses.Wizard of Oz Museum Announces Departure from Brevard County The beloved Wizard of Oz Museum, a popular tourist destination and cultural hub in Brevard County, has announced its departure in search of a new home in another Central Florida county. After 35 years in Chuluota, the museum has decided to relocate for several reasons, including the need for a larger space and increased visibility. “This was not an easy decision, but we believe it is the best move for the museum’s future,” said museum director Michael Shankman. “We have outgrown our current location, and we need a space that will allow us to expand our exhibits and offer more programming to our visitors.” The museum’s collection includes over 10,000 artifacts from the 1939 film “The Wizard of Oz,” including costumes, props, and posters. It also features interactive exhibits and educational programs for children. The museum has been an economic driver for Brevard County, attracting visitors from all over the world. However, the museum’s current location has become congested and difficult to access. Several Central Florida counties have expressed interest in hosting the museum, including Osceola County, Polk County, and Lake County. The museum is currently evaluating potential locations and negotiating a deal that will provide the best fit for its needs. “We are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead,” said Shankman. “We believe that our new location will allow us to better serve our visitors and continue to share the magic of ‘The Wizard of Oz’ for generations to come.” The museum is expected to close its current location in Chuluota in the spring of 2023. The exact timing and destination of the relocation will be announced at a later date.