
Ross and Lahive Eliminated in European Election Recount

In a dramatic turn of events, Independent candidates Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan and Maria Walsh have been declared elected to the European Parliament, following a recount of votes in the Ireland South constituency. The recount, which took place over several days, confirmed that Independent candidate Michael Walsh had been eliminated from the race, along with Sinn Féin’s Chris MacManus. This left Flanagan and Walsh vying for the final two seats. After a painstaking examination of the ballots, the recount established that Flanagan had secured 104,042 first preference votes, while Walsh had received 79,739. Fianna Fáil’s Billy Kelleher, Fine Gael’s Deirdre Clune, and Labour’s Sheila Nunan had already been elected on the first count. The elimination of Sinn Féin’s Ross and Lahive came as a shock to many, as both candidates had performed strongly in the first count. However, the recount revealed that Flanagan had a significant lead over Ross in the crucial transfer votes. “I’m delighted to have been elected,” said Flanagan. “This is a victory for the people of Ireland South, who have shown that they want change.” Walsh also expressed her joy at the outcome. “I’m grateful for the support of the voters,” she said. “I will work hard to represent the interests of all the people of Ireland South.” The result of the recount has significant implications for the balance of power in the European Parliament. Flanagan is a member of the European Free Alliance, while Walsh is an independent. Their election will add to the growing diversity of voices in the parliament.Irish People’s Party Candidate Eliminated in European Parliament Race

Irish People’s Party Candidate Eliminated in European Parliament Race

Ross Lahive of the Irish People’s Party (TIP) has been eliminated from the race for a seat in the Ireland South constituency of the European Parliament elections.

Another Candidate Eliminated

Following the distribution of 3,492 votes from eliminated candidate Christopher Doyle, Ross Lahive was removed from the contest for the Southern Ireland seat.

Close Race for Second Seat

Fianna Fáil’s Billy Kelleher currently has 93,290 votes and needs to reach a quota of 114,761 to be elected to the second seat. The distribution of Christopher Doyle’s votes has brought him closer to that milestone.

Strong Performers in the Race

Clare TD Michael McNamara, Fianna Fáil’s Cynthia Ní Mhurcú, independent Mick Wallace, and Sinn Féin’s Kathleen Funchion are all performing well in the polls.

Earlier Developments

Fine Gael’s Seán Kelly was elected to the first seat on Monday night. Counting resumed this morning at Nemo Rangers GAA Club, with the potential for up to 10 rounds of voting before the second seat is filled.

Counting Expected to Take Days

It may take several days to complete the counting of votes and determine the five winners in the Ireland South constituency.Independent candidates Ross and Lahive have been eliminated in the European election recount. After a two-day recount, the full results for the Ireland South constituency were announced this afternoon. Fine Gael’s Deirdre Clune topped the poll with a total of 10,257 votes, excluding transfers, while Sinn Fein’s Liadh Ni Riada took the second seat, with a total of 8,540 votes. Labour’s Billy Kelleher was confirmed as taking the last seat, with 7,617 votes (excluding transfers). Independent candidates Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan (3,875 votes), Ronan Mullen (6,936 votes), Colm Markey (5,236 votes), and the ‘Home Sweet Home’ candidates, Ross (5,603 votes) and Lahive (5,532 votes), were eliminated. Counting took place over the last two days in Cork City Hall.