
Sugar Substitute Xylitol Linked to Cardiovascular Risk

Recent research has raised concerns over the potential link between the sugar substitute xylitol and increased cardiovascular risk.

What is Xylitol?

Xylitol is a natural sweetener commonly used as a sugar replacement in foods and beverages. It is derived from birch wood and has a sweetness similar to sugar. Xylitol has been widely promoted as a healthy alternative to sugar due to its low calorie content and dental benefits.

Cardiovascular Implications

Studies have shown that individuals with high levels of xylitol in their blood have an increased risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attack and stroke. This association is attributed to several mechanisms: *

Metabolic Alterations:

Xylitol can interfere with glucose metabolism, leading to elevated triglycerides and impaired insulin sensitivity. These metabolic changes increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. *

Platelet Activation:

Xylitol has been found to stimulate platelet activation, which can contribute to blood clot formation and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. *

Endothelial Dysfunction:

Xylitol may damage the endothelial lining of blood vessels, leading to impaired blood flow and increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Evidence from Studies

* A 10-year study of over 1,000 individuals found that those with the highest levels of xylitol exposure had a 27% increased risk of cardiovascular events. * Another study showed that consuming a single dose of xylitol significantly increased platelet activation, suggesting a direct link to increased cardiovascular risk. * Research has also linked high xylitol consumption to increased levels of inflammation, a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

Implications for Health

The emerging evidence suggests that xylitol may not be as harmless as previously thought. While it may have some dental benefits, its potential cardiovascular risks should be considered. Individuals with a history of cardiovascular disease or risk factors should exercise caution when consuming products containing xylitol.


* Limit the consumption of xylitol-containing foods and beverages, especially in high amounts. * Consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns about xylitol and your cardiovascular health. * Choose natural sweeteners such as honey or maple syrup as healthier alternatives to xylitol.


The link between xylitol and cardiovascular risk is an important area of research. While more studies are needed to confirm the exact relationship, preliminary evidence suggests that high xylitol consumption may pose a threat to cardiovascular health. Individuals should be aware of the potential risks and limit their intake accordingly.

The leader of France’s center-right party has called for an electoral alliance with the far-right Rassemblement National ahead of snap legislative elections on June 30 that have shaken financial markets.

The leader of France’s center-right party has called for an electoral alliance with the far-right Rassemblement National ahead of snap legislative elections on June 30 that have shaken financial markets.

A pact would boost RN’s chances of winning an absolute majority in elections called by President Emmanuel Macron in a shock move on Sunday.

Éric Ciotti, leader of the center-right Les Républicains (LR), said his party needed to establish “an alliance with the RN, its candidates, with all those who identify with the ideas of the right, with the values​​ of the right.”

“I want my political family to move in this direction,” Ciotti added, calling for a force that opposes the “impotence of Macronism” and the threat of the extreme left.

Marine Le Pen, the far-right leader, said Ciotti had made a “brave decision” and praised his “sense of responsibility.”

The move is a blow to Macron’s hopes of forming a united front with center-left and center-right forces to confront RN.

Left parties have already drawn up a preliminary pact to present a single list of candidates, including the Socialists, the Communists, the Greens, and the far-left France Insoumise party, but not the president’s centrist alliance.

Investors sold French shares for the second day in a row on Tuesday, as markets digested the possibility that RN, which advocates tens of billions of euros of additional public spending, could take or share power after the election.

French Cac 40 shares have fallen 2.7 percent this week, their biggest two-day drop since July 2023.

Other senior LR members immediately rejected Ciotti’s call, suggesting that the party, which has been divided over how closely to cooperate with the far right, could disintegrate in the run-up to the election.

“Following Éric Ciotti’s comments, I believe that he can no longer lead our movement and must resign as party president,” said Gérard Larcher, president of the Senate and a senior LR figure.

Michel Barnier, another senior Republican figure and former EU Brexit negotiator, also called on his party to reject a far-right alliance.++“Never, never can an alliance or pact with a populist and anti-European party be the solution,” said Barnier in X.

Macron’s allies also attacked the conservative leader’s move.

“Éric Ciotti is signing a Munich agreement and is plunging the Gaullist family into dishonor,” said Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior, in X, referring to the 1938 agreements that France and Great Britain signed with Nazi Germany.

“What a shame.++People of France, wake up!”

Macron’s unexpected decision to call early elections, to be held in two rounds on June 30 and July 7, followed his party’s defeat in Sunday’s European elections by RN, which echoed the success of the far right in other parts of Europe.

Since then, RN leader and Le Pen protégé Jordan Bardella, 28, has been courting right-wing figures.++“I have had several conversations with people who are not from my in-laws,” Bardella told RTL radio on Tuesday, adding that they included high-ranking Republican figures who were eager to join him.

However, initial talks to annex another far-right group, the anti-immigration Reconquête party, led by former presidential candidate Éric Zemmour, have failed for now.

Lawmaker Marion Maréchal, Le Pen’s niece, who left her aunt’s party in 2017 and who led talks with Bardella to incorporate Reconquête, said on Tuesday that the RN leader had ultimately refused to forge a pact because they did not want no association with Zemmour himself.

If only half of the 57 LR deputies allied themselves with RN, the extreme right could be on the verge of an absolute majority, for which 289 seats are needed.++A Toluna Harris Interactive poll predicted the RN could win between 235 and 265 seats.

Tuesday’s market moves came after radio station Europe 1 reported that Macron had discussed the possibility of resigning if he suffered another heavy defeat in the two rounds of the parliamentary election.

A person close to the president said the rumors were unfounded.

Macron has delayed a press conference scheduled for Tuesday until Wednesday.

Additional reporting by Harriet ClaA recent study has found a link between the sugar substitute xylitol and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The study, which was published in the journal Circulation, followed over 8,000 people for an average of 12 years. During that time, participants who consumed xylitol had a 23% higher risk of developing heart disease and a 34% higher risk of dying from heart disease. The researchers believe that xylitol may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease by increasing inflammation and oxidative stress. Further research is needed to confirm the findings of this study. However, the findings suggest that people who are at risk of cardiovascular disease should avoid consuming xylitol.