Albuquerque Accused of Stealing Thousands of Gallons of Water from Native TribeAlbuquerque Accused of Stealing Thousands of Gallons of Water from Native Tribe The city of Albuquerque has been accused of illegally diverting thousands of gallons of water from the Navajo Nation, a Native American tribe that lives in the southwestern United States. The allegations were made in a lawsuit filed by the Navajo Nation in federal court. The lawsuit alleges that Albuquerque has been taking water from the San Juan River, which is the main water source for the Navajo Nation, without permission. The lawsuit claims that Albuquerque has been diverting water from the San Juan River for decades. The city has built a series of dams and canals that have reduced the flow of water into the Navajo Nation’s territory. As a result of the diversion, the Navajo Nation has been forced to reduce its water use. This has caused economic hardship for the tribe, as it has made it difficult to irrigate crops and raise livestock. The Navajo Nation is seeking damages from Albuquerque for the water that it has taken. The tribe is also asking the court to order Albuquerque to stop diverting water from the San Juan River. Albuquerque has denied the allegations. The city says that it has the right to take water from the San Juan River because it is a member of the Colorado River Basin. The lawsuit is expected to go to trial in federal court. The outcome of the case could have a significant impact on the Navajo Nation and its water rights. Background The Navajo Nation is the largest Native American tribe in the United States. The tribe has a population of over 170,000 people who live on a reservation that covers parts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. The San Juan River is the main water source for the Navajo Nation. The river flows through the Navajo Reservation and provides water for irrigation, livestock, and drinking. Albuquerque is the largest city in New Mexico. The city has a population of over 560,000 people. Albuquerque gets its water from the Rio Grande River and the San Juan River. Legal Issues The Navajo Nation’s lawsuit against Albuquerque raises a number of legal issues, including: * The rights of Native American tribes to water * The authority of states and cities to take water from rivers * The impact of water diversions on the environment The outcome of the case could have a significant impact on the law governing water rights in the United States.