Albuquerque City Council Approves Controversial Water Conservation MeasuresAlbuquerque City Council Approves Controversial Water Conservation Measures Albuquerque, NM – The Albuquerque City Council has approved a package of controversial water conservation measures in an effort to address the city’s ongoing water shortage. The approved measures include: * Limiting Outdoor Watering: Residents will be limited to watering their lawns twice per week on specific days. * Restrictions on Car Washing: Car washing will be prohibited on certain days and times. * Water Use Audits: Large water users, such as businesses and apartment complexes, will be required to undergo water use audits. * Fines for Violations: First-time violators of the new measures will face fines of up to $500. The measures were met with mixed reactions from the public. Some residents voiced support for the need to conserve water, while others expressed concerns about the restrictions and potential economic impact. “This is a responsible step that we need to take to ensure our water security,” said City Councilor Klarissa Pena. “We have a growing population and a limited water supply. We need to make sure we’re using our water wisely.” Opponents argued that the measures were too strict and would unfairly target certain groups. “These restrictions will hurt small businesses and families who live on fixed incomes,” said Councilor Trudy Wheeler. “We need to find other ways to conserve water that don’t penalize people who are already struggling.” The city’s water shortage has been exacerbated by a combination of factors, including climate change, population growth, and increased water demand. The Rio Grande, which supplies water to Albuquerque, is at its lowest levels in centuries. The new conservation measures are expected to save approximately 10% of the city’s water use. The city will also continue to invest in infrastructure improvements and water conservation programs. The measures will go into effect on [date]. Residents are encouraged to visit the city’s website for more information and to learn how to prepare for the new restrictions.