
Jury Deliberates in Hunter Biden Gun Trial

A jury is currently deliberating in the trial involving Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, on charges related to a 2018 gun incident. The trial began on August 22nd in Wilmington, Delaware, and has lasted for several days. Biden is facing a single charge of knowingly possessing a firearm as an unlawful user or addicted to a controlled substance. The prosecution alleges that Biden purchased a handgun in October 2018 while he was using cocaine. However, Biden’s defense argues that he was not an unlawful user or addicted to a controlled substance at the time. During the trial, witnesses testified about Biden’s history of substance abuse and his behavior leading up to the gun purchase. Prosecutors also presented video footage that allegedly shows Biden using cocaine. Biden’s defense has downplayed the significance of the footage, arguing that it was taken out of context. They also presented evidence that Biden had been prescribed medication for anxiety and depression, which can cause side effects that mimic drug use. The jury began deliberations on Wednesday, August 24th. They are considering the evidence presented during the trial and must reach a unanimous verdict to convict or acquit Biden. If convicted, Biden faces up to 10 years in prison. However, experts believe that a sentence of less than one year is more likely if he is found guilty. The trial has garnered significant attention due to Biden’s family connections. Some have speculated that the case may have political motivations, while others have argued that Biden should be held accountable for his actions regardless of his father’s position. The outcome of the trial is expected to be announced in the coming days.CNN Breaking News

CNN Breaking News

10:22 a.m. ET, June 11, 2024

Charges Against Hunter Biden in Weapons Trial

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, faces three charges in a federal weapons trial currently underway in Delaware.

The charges are:


Lying on a firearms purchase form


Possession of a firearm while abusing drugs


Possession of a firearm while under indictment

The indictment alleges that Biden purchased a gun in 2018 while under the influence of drugs and that he lied on the purchase form by denying his drug use.

If convicted, Biden could face up to 25 years in prison.

A jury of 12 Delaware citizens is currently deliberating the charges.

Jury Begins Deliberations in Hunter Biden Gun Trial

A jury has commenced deliberations in the trial of Robert Hunter Biden, the son of US President Joe Biden, on a charge of lying on a federal gun purchase application. Biden, 52, is accused of falsely stating on a 2018 application that he was not an unlawful user of controlled substances. The prosecution presented evidence that Biden purchased a handgun in October 2018, shortly after being discharged from a drug rehabilitation center. The defense argued that Biden did not intentionally lie on the application and that he had been prescribed medication for anxiety and depression that he believed did not constitute illegal drug use. During closing arguments, prosecutors highlighted Biden’s previous drug use and treatment, arguing that he knew he was ineligible to purchase a firearm. Defense attorneys countered that Biden had been honest and cooperative with the FBI, and that the government’s case was based on a technicality. The jury is now considering whether Biden knowingly and willfully made a false statement on the gun purchase application. If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of up to 10 years in prison. The trial has received significant media attention due to Hunter Biden’s connection to the Biden family and his history of substance abuse.