
Imposition of Curfew in Bawku and Surroundings to Restore Peace and Order

Following renewed communal clashes in the municipality of Bawku and its environs in the Upper East region, the Ministry of the Interior, upon advice from the Upper East Regional Security Council, has imposed a curfew on the area.

Curfew Restrictions:

The curfew will be in effect from 4:00 PM to 6:00 AM each day, effective immediately. During the curfew hours, all persons within the affected areas are to remain indoors. Only essential service providers, such as security personnel, health workers, and utility personnel, are exempt from the curfew.

Affected Areas:

The curfew will cover the following areas and their immediate surroundings: * Bawku Township * Kulungugu * Binduri * Pusiga * Zoon * Gushiegu

Reason for Curfew:

The curfew has been imposed to prevent further escalation of violence and to create a conducive environment for the restoration of peace and order.


The Ghana Police Service and other security agencies have been deployed to enforce the curfew and ensure the safety and security of residents.

Consequences of Violation:

Any person found violating the curfew will be arrested and prosecuted in accordance with the law.

Call for Cooperation:

The Upper East Regional Security Council appeals to the general public, especially the residents of Bawku and its surroundings, to cooperate with the security forces in enforcing the curfew. The Council also urges all parties involved in the conflict to desist from any violent or provocative actions and to seek peaceful means of resolving their differences.Government Renews Curfew in Bawku Municipality

Government Renews Curfew in Bawku Municipality

The Minister of the Interior has issued an Executive Instrument to renew the curfew hours imposed on Bawku Municipality and its surroundings in the Upper East Region. Effective June 11th, 2024, the curfew period will be from 8:00 pm to 5:00 am. The government urges all parties, including chiefs, elders, opinion leaders, youth, and local residents, to exercise restraint and resolve conflicts peacefully. It emphasizes that there is a strict ban on carrying weapons, ammunition, or any offensive items within the affected communities. Anyone violating this prohibition will be arrested and prosecuted. The statement is signed by the Deputy Minister of the Interior, Henry Cuarte. It was issued on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, in Accra.

Imposition of Curfew in Bawku and Surroundings

Due to the persistent security situation in the Bawku Municipality and its environs, the Upper East Regional Security Council (REGSEC) has imposed a curfew from 8:00 PM to 5:00 AM effective March 1, 2023. The curfew covers the Bawku Municipality, the Pusiga District, the Binduri District, and the Namoogo communities. The decision was taken after careful consideration of the intelligence gathered and the need to maintain peace and security in the affected areas. Residents are advised to comply with the curfew and remain indoors during the stipulated hours. Security personnel have been deployed to enforce the curfew and deal with any attempts to violate it. REGSEC emphasized that the curfew is temporary and will be reviewed regularly based on the security situation on the ground. The public is urged to cooperate with the security agencies and report any suspicious activities to them. REGSEC also appealed to community leaders, opinion leaders, and youth groups to support the efforts of the security agencies to restore lasting peace in the affected areas.